SEO and social media can positively affect the SEO performance of your website and increase your Google search ranking. Yet too many marketers lock it into silos instead of viewing SEO and social media marketing as a holistic ecosystem. Social media marketing can and should be a valuable ally for SEO. Let’s examine how some social networks can benefit SEO and why the two should work together. You will learn social media strategies to maximize the impact of your organic search efforts.

What is SEO Social Media?

SEO and social media or social SEO combine social media and SEO strategies to improve your search ranking, website traffic, and, hopefully, conversions.

In a small business, SEO and social media often fall to the same person if you have the time and haven’t had much (if any) training. However, for larger SMBs, SEO and social media strategies are often developed and executed by different team members, departments, or even outside agencies and are treated as other marketing tactics.

But no strategy should stay in one silo, and you can’t do it all when meeting your digital strategy goals!

Why is Social Media Important For SEO?

SEO is basically optimizing the website in such a way that your site appears in the searches made by the people on the internet. Search may be about any product or service that may attract the users to the website. Social networks do the same; they put your name and content in front of people interested in your offer.

Many of our clients are in the B2B and nonprofit spaces, so we often hear this. SEO makes sense because it’s about using data to identify the best queries and then building content around them. Regardless of your industry, our clients use Google daily, and we all want to be on the first page. But did you know that social media stages work the same way?

All major social media apps now use hashtags, keywords, or both in the post text to categorize the content. Users can follow hashtags or topics just as they follow accounts, and each post they interact with tells the platform about their interests. The app then shows them similar content from accounts they don’t mind. This content can be yours! Take a look at these impressive statistics on how social media drives the same goals as SEO:

  • 54% of social media users are looking for products on platforms (source)
  • Social media users overwhelmingly trust other users’ recommendations for products and services compared to celebrity recommendations (source)
  • 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to endorse it to friends and family (source)
  • Consumers are six times more likely to buy from a product page that contains images from social media, i.e. social media. Content showing real people using the product (source)

How Do Social Networks Affect SEO?

Let’s dive into the goods. Here are the top five ways SEO and social media affect:

Content Expansion – This helps more people discover and love your content, especially when it’s not on the first page of search results.

Brand Awareness: Build your online presence through exposure, so your name seems familiar in search results.

Trust and credibility: Support your reputation in your industry, especially if someone is researching you online for a recommendation.

Link Building – The more places your content can discovers, the higher the chance of getting SEO-friendly inbound links (backlinks) when cited on other websites.

Local SEO – Increase your local presence and rankings through business profile data and customer reviews.

Each of these areas indirectly impacts your SEO and, therefore, your ranking. Therefore, it is essential for businesses of all sizes and industries.

And don’t forget:

Your company’s social media profiles often appear just below your website in searches for your business; It’s a great way to cover the entire first page and leave no room for contestants.

Tweets indexing by search engines, appear in your job search, and may also appear in the results of specific queries.

Google is working on a deal with Instagram and TikTok to start indexing video posts.