Video Advertising

Video advertising displays ads inside online video content usually before, during, or after a video stream, known as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll – or as standalone ads.

Most video ads are bought, sold, and displayed programmatically using various targeting methods and may also include interactive elements.

Different Types of Video Advertisements

Video advertising offers marketers many different options to choose from.

1. In-stream ads

  • These are the most significant popular type of video ads. These are the short videos containing promotional content that appear before, during, or after video content.
  • These example of in-stream ads is the ads that appear on YouTube. About of these are interactive.
  • And also encourage the viewer to click on a link or claim an offer.

2. Non-linear ads

  • It refers to those ads that play outside the main video. Once the user clicks on them, the video they are watching at the moment stops playing. Here they do not connect to any other content.
  • Here if the user wishes not to view them, they can continue scrolling.

3. Rewarded ad

  • This ad mainly targets gamers. Therefore, it provides them with specific incentives and perks in exchange for watching the video ad. However, these perks may include an extra life or a bonus tool.

4. Native autoplay ads

  • These play at the close of the content. When they are relevant to the content, users just viewed their chances of working increase.

5. Shoppable video ad

  • These ads inspire viewers to buy a specific product. Later the video for this kind of ad plays, and a link appears to lead the viewer to purchase it. And also, it happens in whatever app the viewer is using.

6. Native video

  • It is a more progressive type of video ad. However, it gives the viewer a chance to opt-in and takes control of the viewing experience.
  • Sighted the favorable outcomes of video ads, advertising techniques are gaining a lot of prevalence, plus the future of advertising is also comprised of video advertising maneuvers.
  • By way of per eMarketer, it’s assessed that by the end of 2020, US online video ad spending will keep developing at a pace that surpasses TV ads.

Advantages of Video Advertising

  • Marketers can benefit from numerous benefits associated with video advertising. Video content captures users’ attention, and when people tune in, it increases brand awareness.
  • YouTube recently announced opportunities for marketers to display their video ads with “cutting edge” creator content.
  • There are many other ways marketers can create engaging video ads that capture viewers’ interest; The only limit is your imagination.
  • Additionally, video ads are shareable, which increases reach. People share the videos they love, and most streaming platforms have built-in sharing buttons.
  • Videos also take a lot of information in a short time. That benefit makes video advertising ideal for telling a story.
  • You can experiment with background music, camera angles, and dialogue to connect with your audience.
  • Then, they are further likely to remember what they see and, better yet, remember your brand.

Disadvantages of Video Advertising

  • Video advertising works for several reasons. Studies conclude that roughly three-quarters of consumers prefer video content over text ads.
  • They stick in viewers’ minds, making brand recall more likely.
  •  Videos tell stories and help a brand develop its voice. Plus, native advertisements can blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
  • Disadvantage video marketing can generate millions of views and shares in a relatively short time, meaning you may not need to wait very long to see substantial payoffs.
  • For example, check out the Christmas 2019 video by British retailer John Lewis that got over 9 million views after just over 2 weeks.

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