IMPROVE THE SECURITY OF YOUR WEBSITE THROUGH A FIREWALL – One of its primary services, which we will be talking about today.

Here is the website firewall which protects your website from hackers, malware and blocklists.

In which cases is it useful?

  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack mitigation. They are attacks that dramatically increase your website’s traffic, leaving it inactive and even disabled.
  • Brute force protection and prevention. For example, when all combinations of usernames and passwords remain tested, try to find the correct one to access your website.
  • Attacks and hacks. It protects you so that hackers do not exploit the vulnerabilities of your website.
  • Malware prevention. Prevent your website from being infected by protecting your brand’s reputation and preventing you from being blocked.
  • Performance improvement on your website. Your page content stays stored on multiple proxy servers, so information is delivered faster than if all requests remained handled by your server alone.

How does it work?

  • When a visitor enters your web page, the request first passes through the proxy firewall and then reaches your website; this process is so fast that visitors will not notice it.
  • You can set it up on Apache and Windows and any platform like WordPress.

Security aspects of protecting your website

Getting to have your website involves a significant investment. We are not talking about money specifically, but we refer to the time, dedication, and commitment it takes to have our site.

  • A website, nowadays, is a potent work tool since it allows us to contact users directly. Creating a website involves time devoted to details that will make a difference from the rest.
  • Think of a name related to the theme or service that will be offered.
  • Please choose between the best web domain options at the indicated price, hire a hosting web service, and choose the platform on which.
  • Finally, we will create the site, the choice of each of these details, and the time devoted to them, has a specific purpose, a clear objective related to our business model.
  • For all these details, we must take care of it until the end. It is where we will focus the attention of the entire article: web security.
  • On the internet, you can carry out infinite actions. The possibilities it offers are so great that we need many years of study to understand only a part of the whole equation. As a business, it allows you to reach the consumer immediately.
  • All the information you poverty can remain found with just one click. However, all of these benefits come with certain risks.
  • As we said, almost everything can be done on the internet: the good and the bad. Fraud is one the harmful things.
  • Information on the internet is vulnerable since trust has led to the exchange of data and information being careless.
  • As the proprietor of a website, you must ensure that users who visit it are not put at risk.

Implementing security measures brings many advantages to your website. Some of them are:

Protect your website against hackers

  • It prevents you from losing important data about your business and the users who visit it
  • Helps you with search engine rankings (SEO)
  • It communicates to the navigators that the site is safe
  • Block viruses (malware) from trying to install themselves on your site

To protect your site, you should pay special attention to certain security aspects:

Table of Contents            

  1. A reliable hosting
  2. Get an SSL certificate
  3. Change passwords and apply two-factor authentication
  4. Do security reviews from time to time

1. A reliable hosting

  • When selecting a hosting web service, don’t just think about price. Costs indeed have a significant influence when launching on the interne.
  • But you can find a reliable hosting that suits your economy.
  • A hosting service must guarantee at least essential protection at the hardware level. It must also provide specific configurations that allow you to define what the default actions are in the event of a security conflict.
  • About the software, you must protect all the web pages that are on the contracted server. This means that, in case of an attack or virus on your site.
  • You must be notified in order to carry out the necessary measures.
  • It is worth clarifying that the hosting service does not necessarily include security (except for these measures mentioned in the previous paragraph).
  • This is a service that must remain contracted separately.

2. Get an SSL certificate

  • SSL certification encrypts the site with SSL technology. This encryption mixes data in a way that cannot be encrypted unless a specific key remains used.
  • As key points to highlight, it is necessary to mention three: it establishes a secure connection between the web and the user who interacts with it.
  • It proves the identity of the site (so the user will feel more confident when acting), and it allows us to have the beginning “HTTPS” in the address of our website (meaning that it marks it as a secure site).

3. Change passwords and apply two-factor authentication

  • The care of access to the site is essential for security. Changing your passwords regularly will help prevent them from being easily cracked.
  • At the same time, you must use keys that combine characters: letters, numbers and signs.
  • Including some two-step authentication systems will provide greater security since it involves more than one combination, for example, username and password, plus a code provided by SMS.

4. Do security reviews from time to time

Checking your site regularly is an effective way to spot anomalies. This does not mean that you will have to review the code or analyze the page. Several automated solutions will relieve us of the burden of having to see if someone tried to hack the web.

In short, you can hire a monitoring service (such as McAfee or WP Scans) that include standardized reports of site scans. They also notify if they find any problem, be it malware, hack or vulnerabilities.

  • How to protect your website from cyber attacks
  • How to protect your website from cyber attacks
  • July 20, 2020Tech-Blog
  • how to protect your website

When talking about cybersecurity, surely the most effective actions you can take to keep your computer safe from unexpected viruses and unwanted access come to mind. However, the concept of cyber security goes much further. In other words, it is responsible for the protection of all those goods or information related to us that is already part of the web.

Have you ever wondered how to protect your website from online scammers? In this sense, a website is a clear example of this.

This serves as a digital ecosystem capable of housing a large amount of precious information, both for those who own and manage it and those who register in it.

Therefore, this condition makes it a special target for cyber-attackers. Therefore, we consult you.

We have good news for you. You can do a lot to defend your website from possible cyber attacks.

It all starts with getting the proper procedures, people, tools, and apps to get it done. But let’s not move too fast and talk about its importance first.

Why is it so essential to protect your website?

The security of your website is just as important as the information that resides within it. Every action you take to protect your site will be one more obstacle that would-be attackers will have to deal with.

Otherwise, that is, if you don’t secure your website, hackers and scammers will have an easy way to get to it, and when that happens, here’s what they could do:

  • Steal essential information such as passwords and credit card numbers.
  • Use it to gain control over other sites and get to your core information as well.
  • This is precisely why you should keep your eyes peeled and learn to protect your website from any threats and risks. In the process, you will banish all vulnerabilities from your site.

What are web vulnerabilities?

  • A web vulnerability is a bug or weakness in your website code that, over time, becomes a clear opportunity for cyber-attackers to access the information they shouldn’t or to insert their malicious code.
  • These security issues are additional vital than you think. When exploited with particular tools like scanners and botnets, cyber attacks can even reach the hosting server and cause serious problems.

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