Digital with Traditional Marketing Balancing – everyone seems glued to the latest technology for everything in today’s world. Many companies think we will digitally react to marketing because we are obsessed with computers and smartphones. Unfortunately, it may not be accurate. You may be missing out on leads if you don’t have a good balance between digital and radio marketing.

What Is The Difference?

Digital with traditional marketing balancing is everything “old school”. These are direct mail, radio, telemarketing, and flyers. The digital kind is done online through SEO, keywords, SEM, content marketing, PPC, social media marketing and websites.

The Importance Of Digital with Traditional Marketing Balancing

Digital is the way for many, but these ads won’t reach your entire audience. To grow your business, you must have a good balance. It gives customers the confidence they need to buy from you. You will also get loyal customers. Digital advertising is more about capturing the attention of a specific audience. You use social media to convert them into your customers. Traditional advertising means sending your product’s message to a random group. You do not know whether you take reached your target customer or not. On the other hand, it’s hard to ignore a marketing message that comes to your email because you’re holding it in your hand to read it.


As technology takes over, it’s easy to give up on traditional methods; however, over 90% of commercial marketers use direct mail as advertising. Many believe this is because the classic style can reach customers in ways that digital marketing cannot. Procter & Gamble Co. is a large company that took risks by cutting its digital ads by more than $200 million. They discovered that they were wasting money by focusing solely on digital. The company also found that the average time people see a mobile ad in their social media feed is 1.7 seconds. It may not be enough to make a significant impact.


P&G’s chief brand officer, Marc Pritchard, was one of the first heavy hitters to tell tech companies to clean up or go. He wanted companies to fix wild and random digital ad fraud. I wanted protection tools to prevent ads from appearing on controversial content. It led the company to suspend ads on some significant forums. One was Google’s YouTube, as ads appeared next to controversial videos. A few years ago, P&G ran ads on 712 websites, including BuzzFeed and Reuters. It has remained narrowed down to 155 of these sites. They didn’t get that much from social networking sites.

The Power Of Technology

Digital advertising will reach millions of people. Businesses can better target their potential customers with an SEO strategy and an optimized website. Statistics are easier to track. Social media marketing is a way to reach almost everyone. Users see targeted ads as they scroll and then click on those ads to find the best deals. Advertisements are made “just for them” because technology knows their search history and demographics. It’s not perfect, but it works many times.

The Power Of Radio

The radio seems to be going nowhere. Lots of people get in their cars and instantly turn on the radio. Nielsen’s “State of Media” report on sound states that 93% of Americans turn on their radio each week more than they turn on their TV, phone or computer. To some people’s surprise, news and radio shows are the most popular radio formats. Unfortunately, it means that you still hear commercials on the radio. Although there are multiple streaming services, people still listen to the radio in Joplin, MO.

The Power Of Television

A television commercial can reach a broad audience on live sports programs. For example, ads that run during the Superbowl are notorious for high payouts and profits. As a result, people like to watch TV. Yes, many people overlook the video on a DVR where they can fast-forward or on a streaming service, but many also watch it in real time. Studies show that 60 per cent of customers buy after seeing a TV commercial. And is around 40 per cent of those who browse social media.